Monday, December 22, 2008


It was almost surreal last nite.... sitting here with you. At times I found myself with nothing to really say, but then I realized that wasn't a bad thing. It was deja'vu...and then sometimes everything was the same ... but it was different... Sometimes I found myself trying to find the Scott that I used to know... but he wasn't there really.... only brief moments did you let him slip through the walls you have built up...and I thought I was good at building them.... And then, I stop and think that maybe this was the side of you I never got to see all those years ago.... being self indulgent in my own misery, never stopping to think that there are two sides to a mirror... because ive always been good at walkign that fine line on the edge of the mirror .. because there you see both sides but you don't feel the pain from either side.... And it all made me a bit sad.... Sometimes I look at it all and I realize what a huge mistake I made ... and yet here we are. We have both walked a thousand miles many times over since then.... and Im really glad that destiny has come full circle and we can be friends... But my friend... all those miles have taken a toll on both of us... and now your standing at a crossroads... looking every direction and not sure which way to go. And its a step you alone must make... I made mine...I survived.... There are still scars that arent visible.... But if you look really deep inside thru my eyes.... thru the things I put on paper as a poet... you'll see just what an illusion really is made of....fragments. I watched you last nite... sitting there... like you are grasping at the fragments of your whole existance and you don't know what to do... battleing ghosts.... And so sometimes you have to bring out the warrior , and be strong...even if your not strong. Take that leap of faith and know that there are people that will catch you. And that you are truly loved by so many people in this life... and that someday it will all be may not see it or be able to feel it right now... but this too shall pass. So off you go on your journey north... try to walk in the light and avoid the darkness. If you need me, you know I am here.
I wanted to make this into a poem and then I decided it allready had the energy it needed on its was already perfectly done... A letter to a dear friend straight from the heart. So I just left it as is... It kinda speaks to all of us I think.... Solitary Warriors.